====== Release Notes 1.85.10 ====== ===== Travelwise.net ===== ==== What's New ==== ^ Feature ^ Description ^ Target Consumer ^ Related Wiki Topic ^ |**Exporting any documents to MS Office** |Implemented MS Ofice 2013 support.|All | | |**Invoice** |//Due Date// can be changed manually before Invoice issue. If done by user, then red //'(M)'// sign in front of the field reminds about that.|All |[[userdocs:travelwise:documents_management:invoice:issue_invoice_offer#obligatory_information_for_invoice|Read More]] | |**Online Booking** |For Tourico online bookings with obligatory charged supplements a pop-up window appears warning the user. There are two options in a pop-up with the supplements conditions: to book or cancel. 'H2H supplier remark' is renamed to 'Additional remark'. Common functionality is delivered in www.farewise.dk |Billetkontoret A/S | | |**Search Hotel Rates** |Created supplier filter. Combined filters for H2H and regular rooms; enhanced controls layout.|All |[[userdocs:travelwise:getting_started:searches:search_hotel_rates|Read More]] | | |**'Volume for TOP-X Customers' Report** |'Show All' option logics is changed: customer relation to an Order (Invoice) is not checked anymore. In case there are no sales, then zero is returned in a report for a customer. |All | | |**Voucher for a Car Segment** |Editing and issue is implemented, segment status change to be released in the next version to use the feature.|All | | ==== Improvements ==== ^ Feature ^ Description ^ Target Consumer ^ Related Wiki Topic ^ |**Hotel Segment from a PNR** |Corrected handling in case some information, like //'Meal'// is missing. |All |[[userdocs:travelwise:booking:hotel:amadeus_hotel|Read More]] | |**Booking Online** |Added common method to display //'No breakfast included'// instead of a standard //'N'// in case pension is missing from an on-line supplier. Fixed prices comparison for Gulliver. |Billetkontoret A/S, JTB | | |**Voucher for a Hotel Segment** |Increased rows displayed under rendered services from 6 to 10, minor layout changes. |Billetkontoret A/S | | |**Miscellaneous** |Request the full list of released items at your local IT manager. |All | |