====== Release Notes 1.85.9 ====== ===== Travelwise.net ===== ==== What's New ==== ^ Feature ^ Description ^ Target Consumer ^ Related Wiki Topic ^ |**Car at Supplier profile** |//'Location'// field is removed from //Supplier -> Related data - Car// as it is not in use. //City// started to be a mandatory and is logically related to a //'Country'// dropdown list.|All | | |**Online JRP** |Processed JRPs, purchased and linked to the //Order// in Travelwise application, get excluded from the list. That works when //Order// is created based on online purchase service, and application provides //VendorTXcode//, which is a supplier reference. More detailed description to be published when the whole module is completed. |JTB | | |**JRP** |Issue date is assigned at attaching a number/printing step. |JTB |[[userdocs:travelwise:booking:japan_rail_pass:booking|Read More]] | |**Order** |In a //'Service'// column a name is displayed for a //Car segment//. |All | | ==== Improvements ==== ^ Feature ^ Description ^ Target Consumer ^ Related Wiki Topic ^ |**Car** |Changed pick-up and drop-off format and validation, fixed net currency to be taken from supplier, sell price is calculated based on exchange rate and default markup, renamed 'Save' button to 'Book'. |All | | |**Customer Identification** |Corrected middle name transfer format. The first letter is uppercase. |All |[[userdocs:travelwise:booking:flight:customer_identification|Read More]] | |**Installation Page** |Fixed installation in certain conditions for WinXP. |All |[[userdocs:travelwise:getting_started:installation|Read More]] | |**Windows Settings** |Settings made while sending //Supplier Request// are saved at user PC. |All |[[userdocs:travelwise:getting_started:settings:windows_settings|Read More]] | |**Miscellaneous** |Decimals amount after separator is 2. Multiple bug fixes and enhancements, the entire list is available at IT manager. |All | |