====== Final Update Names Report ====== **Navigation:** //Invoice -> Print/E-mail Options -> Final Update Names// ===== Conditions ===== Final Update Names Report is available when customer has an e-mail for this report in profile settings ((//Customer -> E-mails -> Type -> Final Update Names//) and when Offer has relations to a PNR. ===== Selection Criteria ===== * Passenger count on each PNR is taken (minus GRP pax). * The number of paxes is calculated as GRP pax count minus real pax count. ===== Settings ===== * In Company Settings in Brands the text for //'FinalNameReportingDateText'// can be edited (Venligst tjek at navnene er korrekt indsat. Evt. rettelser skal være os i hænde senest den ), the tag is also supported. * The queue can be assigned in //Company Settings -> Reporting -> FinalUpdateNamesQueue//. ===== Note ===== * Report is generated in html format (body text). * Sent report get saved in Order (Documents) commonly with the rest documents. * In case there are no related segments selected: //"Final Update Names report can not be generated because there are no segments related to Offer. Go to Invoice -> Related Segments tab to choose segments."// ===== Report Preview ===== {{:userdocs:travelwise:documents_management:final_upd_names.png?nolink|}}