====== Passenger Review Document ====== **Navigation:** //Invoice (Print/E-mail Options) -> Passenger Review// ===== Purpose ===== Mail passengers list together with e-tickets and itinerary. ===== Important ===== * The feature gets activated only for customers with enabled setting in their profile: //Customer → Additional information: Passenger Review by e-mail//. * The report type for a document must be configured for a brand in //Company Settings -> Report Settings -> Report Type: PassengerReview//. ===== About ===== The document can be issued from print/e-mail options of the invoice (not from offer). It becomes generated per a pnr and contains following info: //booking number, routing, airline reference, departure date, destination// (is taken from invoice), //passenger name (title, type)// is sorted alphabetically, //ticket number//. {{:userdocs:travelwise:documents_management:pax_review_ico.png?nolink |}} ===== Document Preview ===== {{:userdocs:travelwise:documents_management:pax_review.png?nolink |}}