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userdocs:travelwise:documents_management:e-ticket:layout [2015/01/27 04:13]
userdocs:travelwise:documents_management:e-ticket:layout [2015/02/18 00:19] (current)
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 Data from those fields is displayed in the bottom of E-Ticket representing the carrier. If an image exists, it is displayed instead of the text. Data from those fields is displayed in the bottom of E-Ticket representing the carrier. If an image exists, it is displayed instead of the text.
 {{:​userdocs:​travelwise:​documents_management:​e-ticket:​sin.png?​nolink|}} {{:​userdocs:​travelwise:​documents_management:​e-ticket:​sin.png?​nolink|}}
 +//QR code// is generated if //'Log in url'// has value, but //'Log in text'//​ and //'Log in picture'//​ are empty.