Offline Hotel Booking

Navigation1: Search → Hotel Rates ('Ctrl'+'Shift'+'R') → 'Search' button ('F5') → 'Book' button ('F9')
Navigation2: Order → Auto/Manual Segments: 'New HTL' button ('Ctrl'+'2'/'Alt'+'2')

Offline hotel becomes booked based on the rates inserted in hotel segment (manually) or based on the hotel markups (automatically).

Auto Hotel Segment Booking

  1. To book auto hotel make a search in ‘Search Hotel rate’ form (define the needed conditions and push 'Offline' button (F5).
  2. Select the preferable hotel. Push additionally 'Hotel Info' or 'Price details' buttons if needed.
  3. Push 'Book' button ('F9').
  4. Fill in the booking information, add rooms:
    1. Select room type, number of rooms and fill in the room leader passenger.
    2. Use the arrow from the right side to add the room in the list of the rooms to be booked.
    3. Fill in information about other passengers.
    4. Push 'Book' button ('F9') to complete the booking.

Manual Hotel Segment Booking

  1. From ‘Search Hotel Rates’ or from existing Order:
    1. Book an auto hotel (online or offline) and convert it to manual. (See the picture above: Push 'Convert to manual' button or press 'Alt'+'M').
    2. Complete the Hotel segment form.
    3. Push 'Book' button ('F9').
  2. Within the existing Order (by pushing ‘New HTL segment’ in manual segments or by pressing 'Alt'+'2'):

  1. Complete the Hotel segment form (everything including rates: City, Supplier, Hotel Name, Pension, Room class, Period, Room rates and add Segment rooms).
  2. Push 'Book' button ('F9').

In case manual hotel segment is generated by converting auto segment to manual, the breakdowns are kept as they used to be in initial segment.