JRP Offer and Invoice Issue
Get started with the general settings before 1st JRP invoicing:
• Check that JRP product exists (Tools → Products) and is selected in Company Settings (Tools → Company Settings → Products → JRP).
• Invoice line format is defined (Tools → Company Settings → Settings → Invoicing → InvoiceLineFormatJRP (available tags: <JR Type> <JR Class> <Days> <IsFlexible> <PaxType>)).
• Report label for JRP is set (Tools → Company Settings → Report Labels → Invoice → DetailsJRPClassTitle).
Invoicing process consists of couple of logical parts:
1. Book JRP without number, issue an Offer (‘Offer’ button in the Order) and confirm it with a client.
2. When the JRP booking is confirmed (or declined and then voided), and JRP Exchange Order becomes printed, it gets the number and can be invoiced.
Common JRPs become grouped in the same invoice line:
When JRP is printed and invoiced, it becomes locked. Voided JRPs are ignored while invoicing as not relevant, like the other voided or cancelled documents in Travelwise.