Autoproduct rules and prices

In old version of Travelwise (VB6) there is an 'Auto Fee' module which is moved to Travelwise.NET Application and improved there.
Up to now it works only for flight segments due to specific rules. Autoproduct rules are validated automatically and prices are added on each attempt to create a new offer/invoice.

Define Conditions

Navigation: Tools → Products → 'Autoproduct condition' tab

Order Conditions

1. Invoice is Flight only
if product marked with this, it is added to every invoice/offer if
- invoice contains at least one product of category with code Air or Flight
- invoice contains no products with Ground Arrangement sign.

2. Invoice has Ground Arrangement
if product marked with this, it is added to every invoice/offer if it has one or more product with Ground Arrangement. sign.
No matter if it has IATA or no..

3. Order has Generic Package
if product marked with this, it is added to new offer/invoice if Order has generic package, which means all issued invoices in this order plus new offer being generated contains
- Air product (Air or Flight category) with positive total and Ground Arrangement product with positive total
- 2 different Ground Arrangement products with positive totals.
Positive total means it takes all lines in all invoices within the order, groups by productID, summarizes total sell price.

'Once per Order' sign
Is optional sign for each of 3 main signs, and it works as following:
if the product being added to invoices (not offers!) in the order already, and sum of all lines is positive, then product is not added to new offer.
Example: AG product is autoproduct for: invoice has ground arrangement, once per order.. New offer contains HTL line, and AG gets added, invoice issued.
Make new invoice for another HTL - once per order should find the line of AG and not add it again to the new invoice.
Make Credit Note for first invoice, issue.. then we get one more AG line negative to the first line.
Make new offer with HTL - AG total in order is 0 - means product does not exist in order, and should be added again!

Rules for products: SI, AG, GA

(in Billetkontoret A/S)

SI, AG should be in all Orders.

All 'Flight only' invoices – add SI, AG
(There can be several SI, AG in different invoices in the same Order).

All 'Ground Arrangement'
– add SI,AG if SI, AG have NOT been added on other invoices in the Order;
– do not add SI,AG, if SI AG have already been added to an invoice in the Order.

GA should be in all orders which contain two different product codes with ground arrangement;
GA should be in all orders which contain product 'IATA' and at least one product with ground arrangement.

Whenever new Invoice is generated the system checks conditions within all issued Invoices in the Order and lines on the current Offer. And based on that selection the rules are applied for flight only, ground arrangements or generic package. Each product is added only once per Order. For example, in 'flight-only' Orders for Offers without IATA lines (and no ground arrangements) without already added SI product, this product gets included in Invoice.

Autoproduct Prices for Triggered Products

In case rule is empty, it means that all values for this rule are OK.

  • Fee Region

All fee regions are located here Tools → General data → Geographic places → Fee Region. This rule validates destination in offer/invoice, there is a check if the current city is located in the selected region or not.

  • Airline

All airlines are taken from PNR. In each flight segment there is only one airline. But there can be lots of airlines in one PNR theoretically. Therefore, if all existing airlines within connected ticket match airline from rule - then it is OK.

  • Ticket Classes

Ticket class can be also different theoretically. So if all ticket classes, listed by comma, in rule match the classes from PNR segment within connected tickets - then it is OK.

  • Customer Type

Customer which is connected to the Order, where you are trying to create an offer/invoice, has its own customer type. So that if selected customer types (on customer level) include the one from the rule - then it is OK.

  • Order type

Which prices are taken

There are some levels of validation and a higher rule has a higher priority. It means that if the second rule is OK then prices are taken from this level and others are not considered. All prices are taken separately - it means that exp. price can be taken from the customer level whereas sell price is taken from the product level.

  • Customer level

This is the price with top-priority and if the price exists there - then it is definetely taken to offer/invoice.

  • Autoproduct level

In case no price on customer level is found then Travelwise.NET looks for prices on autoproduct level. Each type of price (sell/exp.) is taken separately.

  • General product level

These are the main product prices. If no prices are found on other levels then initial prices are taken from here.

  • Default level

In case no prices anywhere - then zero is inserted in offer/invoice. It means that rule is validated but no prices are found. With zero line we are showing that the rule works and invoice totals are not changed.

How offline and online prices are recognized

  1. In each Amadeus PNR there is an Office ID (written in the text). It also can be said as CustomerID.
  2. Enabled option in Company Settings → Settings → Invoicing → AutoProductOnlineOfficeID means that Office ID must be recognized as online prices.

  • If PNR comes with the Office ID which is written in Company Settings, then all prices are searched in online part. Offline part is not considered.
  • If Office ID is not the same as in PNR - it means that we should look for offline prices.