Table of Contents
Navigation: Master Entry → Supplier
Hotel profile is set in its 'service' form.
Fill in mandatory fields and save:
- Name;
- Code;
- Country;
- Address.
Controls Overview
'Supplier' tab
- Name
- Code
- Acc Code
- Supplier ID
- Contact person
- Airline
- Locked
- H2H enable
- H2H cancellation enable
- Commission, % (int, 0-100%)*
- Priority
- Country
- City
- Address
if supplier has commission, it is deducted from price we get from XML feed. For example, if price is 1000 and commission is 11%, net price should be 1000*(100-11)/100 = 890
this affects only the matched online hotels booked in TW/FW/T2T, booking on web and offline hotels are not affected.
Cancellation conditions
- Phone1
- Phone2
- Mobile
- Fax
- Att
- Att. phone
- E-mail - 500 chars allowed, several e-mails can be listed in a row separated by ';'.
- Acc. e-mail
- F11 e-mail - 'CC' for Supplier Request (F11 Report) mailing.
- Web site
How the currencies set at specific supplier affect segments booked in Order:
1. In case there is only one currency per country → the system takes it, no matter if it is ticked on as default or off.
2. In case there are at least two currencies per a country in supplier profile and both are not marked as default → nothing is used. It means the system leaves currency field empty.
3. In case there are at least two currencies per country, but one of them is marked as default → the system picks this currency.
'Attributes' tab
Bank Attributes
- Bank name
- Bank address
- Account
- Alternative account
- Finance account
- Bank swift
- Bank IBAN
- VAT number
- MAX debit
- Warning debit
- Stop debit
- Start saldo
- Organization number
- Customer reference number
- Default deposit %
- Term of payment
Bank attributes used in Russia.
'Related Data' tab
Room classes
- Code
- Name
- Default
- H2H code
- General Room Class
- Code
- Name
- H2H code
- General Pension
'Info' tab
Free text information about supplier to be displayed in this form only.
Online Supplier
There are some situations in which we need to control Host To Host option for supplier - in case supplier's system doesn't work or you want to refuse it etc.
To disable H2H for supplier you need to open suppliers form first. For example you can do it with Search form (Search → Suppliers). There is a checkbox H2H enable:
To disable H2H just set OFF the checkbox. And there will be impossible to book online segments from that supplier.
So to enable H2H set the checkbox ON and add available countries in “H2H Countries” tab.