Table of Contents
Issue invoice and e-mail it to your customers from Travelwise without even opening the program! Single remark sent in a PNR will do everything 'by itself'.
1. In a GDS air-booking insert in a remark line 'RM' a text starting with 'AUTOINV', followed by the needed parameters.
2. TAIR-Reader program will identify AutoInvoice parameters and write it in Travelwise database with the PNR.
3. You'll be given a couple of minutes to recheck and update PNR if needed and the invoice is going to be issued!
- AUTOPRINT – indicates that invoice should be Printed/Emailed (depends on specific Customer settings in TW) automatically. If this parameter is missing, invoice will be just saved as offer.
- SELL – contains selling price specified per Passenger type. Example: SELLADT2000, SELLCHD1000, SELLINF200.
- SELLFV – selling price = face value. Face value is what is printed in the fare field (sell rate) of the ticket. Face value = Net Price = Unit Exp when airline commission = 0. Example in Amadeus (DKK620 is the face value): K-FDKK620 ;;;;;;;;;;;;DKK1162 ;;;
KFTF; DKK180 YR VA; DKK121 ZO AD; DKK75 DK TR; DKK106 ZY AE; DKK60 AT SE. Example in WorldSpan:
Here DKK80 is the face value.
If there is no any SELL parameter for a specific Pax type (i.e. an ADT ticket comes in Autoinvoice PNR but there is no SELLADTxxx parameter in the airfile) then AI will invoice this ADT ticket with PNR price.
- COMM – contains commission specified per Pax type. The commission affects 'UnitExp' calculating: 'UnitExp' is set as Fare (which comes in F- lines) decremented by the commission's amount.
COMMINF5 - Commission PERCENT - means that commission for infant is 5% of fare amount.
COMMALL10 - means that commission for all types of passengers is 10% of fare amount.
Amadeus (some prices in K-line, e.g. for INF):
KN-IDKK375 ;;;;;;;;;;;;DKK375 ;;;
KS-IDKK375 ;;;;;;;;;;;;DKK375 ;;;
In AUTOINVOICE remark the commission COMMINF5
UnitExp = 356,25 = 375,00 - COMMISSION amount = 375,00 - 375,00 x 0,05 = 375,00 - 18,75.
In AUTOINVOICE remark the commission COMMALL10:
UnitExp = 72,00 = 80,00 - COMMISSION amount = 80,00 - 80,00 x 0,10 = 80,00 - 8,00.
- HF – contains handling fee (currency) amount, the parameter is specified per Pax type. Line for handling fee product is created in the Invoice. Example: HFADT75, HFINF77, HFINF77, HFALL75
- USER - screenname of user, who creates PNR. The user name is set and User created the Invoice.
USER ROBOT – ‘Robot’ will be set as the ‘Issued User’.
Remark goes within 'N' line.