Credit note

About Credit Note

Credit Note is a commercial document, an Invoice type. It becomes issued to set the money off the balance for the same or lower amount than the original Invoice. In TravelWise (TW) an Invoice document gets a ‘Credit Note’ status when it has a negative Grand Total amount.

Reasons to issue Credit Note (invert Invoice):

  • Unordered List Itemto correct or cancel an original Invoice;
  • to allow the Customer (buyer) to purchase a service from Supplier (seller) on a future date, like a store card credit or a gift card;
  • for accounting purposes in case of ‘returned’ goods ( if the Customer is not happy with the purchased services and agency has to return the money).

How to issue?

In Order go to “Invoice lines” tab and select the original Invoice, which should be inverted (cancelled):

And press F12 key OR go in main TW menu: Invoice → Invert:

New Invoice form will become opened and all lines from the original Invoice will get the opposite sign in front of the prices.

To ensure that you finally issue a Credit Note for a correct amount, information about the original Invoice total is shown in the upper right corner of the form;
such a remark is called ‘External Invoice Remark’:

In Invoice form push ‘Print-Email Invoice’ button OR press ‘Alt+P’ shortcut to go in ‘Print/e-mail options’;

make all the needed settings (set nothing to print and e-mail in case you do not need that right now) and push ‘Proceed’ button or press ‘Alt+R’ shortcut to issue a Credit Note document:

Right after the Credit Note (Inverted Invoice) has been generated, its form will be closed automatically and ‘Inverted Invoice’ will appear in ‘Invoice lines’ tab in the ‘Order’:


It is not allowed to issue a Credit Note for an Offer as it can make a mess in accounting, but it is possible to make an Offer or Invoice copy with a negative amount:
select Offer or Invoice in ‘Invoice lines’ tab and
- press ‘F11’ to copy Invoice (Offer);
- or press ‘Ctrl+F11’ to copy it a new or any existing Order.
The same functions are available from the main TW menu under ‘Invoice’ menu item (Copy…; Copy to Another Order…).

But in such a case the amounts from original Invoice are not going to be automatically converted to opposite and the original Invoice amount is not going to appear in ‘Invoice external remarks’.

Both locked and unlocked documents are displayed in the document list for a Credit Note.