Deposit Product Handling In Invoice

Deposit Product

Deposit is added in Invoice as a product line. The 'deposit' product is managed through Company Settings → Products → Deposit. For example, for Billetkontoret A/S it has name and code 'Depositum'.
If this setting is empty or there are no deposit lines, then fields described below are hidden.

To control deposit handling for groups (in case of many deposits inside offers/invoices within same Order) at 'Invoice Lines' tab the fields are added: 'Deposit Amount' for total for selected invoice and 'Total Deposit' for grand total for all deposit lines for all invocies in the Order.

These fields are placed after local totals (if local info is not hidden) or next to VAT totals.

New in Deposits & Liability

Released since ver.

'Deposit' tab and invoice header used to be quite small and missed liability information. That is why: 'Deposit old' and 'Remark' tabs are removed.
Grid from 'Deposit' tab is moved down to main area to new tab called 'Deposits & Liability' located in between 'Customer Fees' and 'History' tabs.

Grid supports new record inserting/deleting with confirmation.
'Type' (InvoiceInternalRemarkTypes), 'Name' and 'Description' columns are added. Mandatory fields are Date, Amount (can be 0), Type, Group, Name.

When Deposit record is created in the grid then Invoice remark with entered parameters is created as well (Type, Queue, Name, Description, ActionDate=Deposit date) and gets linked to the deposit record.