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userdocs:travelwise:documents_management:voucher:how_to_issue [2014/08/19 03:00]
userdocs:travelwise:documents_management:voucher:how_to_issue [2015/04/27 22:55] (current)
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     * Reload (to get the updated information;​ for example - you preview a Voucher for Hotel and then added a Misc segment and would like to get this information updated in the voucher, then hit ‘Reload’ button).     * Reload (to get the updated information;​ for example - you preview a Voucher for Hotel and then added a Misc segment and would like to get this information updated in the voucher, then hit ‘Reload’ button).
-===== Voucher ​printing ​=====+===== Voucher ​Printing ​=====
 to open the voucher printing form, push '​Print/​E-mail Voucher'​ button (Ctrl+P): to open the voucher printing form, push '​Print/​E-mail Voucher'​ button (Ctrl+P):
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 ===== Voucher Mailing ===== ===== Voucher Mailing =====
-It is allowed to send the vouchers by e-mail from both printing (Ctrl+P) and editing (Ctrl+E) forms. ​Press ‘Send Mail’ button (Alt+M’ shortcut) to open a mail form.+It is allowed to send the vouchers by e-mail from both printing (Ctrl+P) and editing (Ctrl+E) forms. ​Push //'Send Mail'// ​button (Alt+M) to open a mail form
 +//'​Print'//​ and //'​Send Mail'//​ buttons are disabled when the segment for which you are trying to issue the voucher is not confirmed (not ‘OK’).
 Opening the mail form takes time as the Voucher becomes converted in a ‘pdf’ format and gets attached to the mail: Opening the mail form takes time as the Voucher becomes converted in a ‘pdf’ format and gets attached to the mail:
Line 48: Line 49:
 **Note** **Note**
-'​Print'​ and 'Send Mail' ​buttons are disabled when the segment ​for which you are trying to issue the voucher ​is not confirmed (not ‘OK’).+  * When there is an e-mail in Order in '​Att.'​ field, then all e-mails from 'Print/Email Options' and vouchers are sent to it in CC. 
 +  * In subject //'<​LastName>/<​FirstName>​ <​PaxType>​ (ref: <​RefNo>​)'// leader of the segment is taken
 ==== To mail/print vouchers for specific segments only ==== ==== To mail/print vouchers for specific segments only ====