Transfer Invoices

Navigation: Finance → Transfer Invoices

Transfer Types

  • American Express ('AMEX' format);
  • Diners Club;
  • Finance;
  • PRISM;
  • AirPlus;
  • FInvoice ('E-Invoice' format);

Read more:
Invoice data FTP uploading in JTB

Exported customers are marked in a database (CustomerAXExport) and are not taken again. If no customers are found, the export xlsx file is not created.
1. Before exporting an invoice to INV file it is checked if there are MarginVAT products or packages exist on the invoice.
2. If previous item is TRUE then when making export lines for INV file the value in field “24 Vat Code” is replaced to “FI-TOMS-24” for the lines containing VATamount<>0 (“FI” should be replaced with HostCompany Country code for offices different from HEL)
2. In INV file for every MarginVAT invoice there is a line containing value “TOMS” in field “24 Vat Code” and value to columns 26 “VAT Base amount” calculated by following formula: Value = TotlSell - VATamount1-VATbaseAmount1-…-VARamountX-VATbaseAmountX.
Terms: “TOMS” meaning is equal to MarginVAT.
For more details see US 16531 in TFS.


Format Description

Additional info (JTB Helsinki):

  • SellerPartyIdentifier - Bank info value is 1628820-5 (Company Settings → Settings → BankInfo → FInvoiceSellerPartyIdentifier);
  • SellerOrganisationName - HC name (Company Settings → General → Name);
  • SellerOrganisationTaxCode - value is FI16288205(Company Settings → Settings → BankInfo → VatNo);
  • SellerPostalAddressDetails - HC address (Company Settings → General → Address);
  • SellerOfficialPostalAddress - HC address (Company Settings → General → Address);
  • SellerAccountID - HC setting (Company Settings → Settings → BankInfo → CompanyID);
  • IBAN: FI50 1200 3000 026054 (Company Settings → Settings → BankInfo → BankCodeIBAN);
  • SWIFT CODE = NDEAFIHH (Company Settings → Settings → BankInfo → BankCodeSWIFT).

Transfer To Finance

Travelwise supports data exporting in external finance systems (Axapta, Concorde, CODA).
To transfer the data to finance system, select 'Finance' transfer type and define the search criteria or leave it blank to get all records, which are not transferred to finance.


  • Axapta;
  • E-conomics (export file becomes saved in '.csv' extension, format is the same as 'Axapta');
  • CODA.

When invoice with CC (Credit Card) term of payment is transferred to finance, a payment for this invoice becomes created automatically.

Together with 'selling' file a 'purchase' file (name: <date> becomes generated at the same file location.
Its format is the same as for sales transfer file format. The 'purchase' file version can be used for balancing and supplier payments tracking in external finance systems.

Transfer File Format

There is a line for each product line in the invoice. Total Exp. = 0 lines are not written.

The below items are divided with ';' as in 'sales' file:
1. Invoice Date;
2. Invoice Number;
3. F;
4. Expence Account Number (from the product setup) ;
5. Blank;
6. Text;
7. Invoice Departure Date;
8. Inv Line Total Exp Line.