Hotkeys & Shortcuts

Hotkey – is a computer key or key combination that causes a specified action to occur.

Shortcut – represents a designated letter in a menu command or a toolbar button which, when
pressed together with the ‘Alt’ key, activates the assigned command.

Forms Shortcuts

Each form has got a number of specific shortcuts, which can be seen by a character underlined
in the name of the control.

Mnemonic Keys

Some shortcuts (mnemonic keys) are invisible on opening the form, press ‘Alt’ to get it
To enable the control which has got a shortcut press ‘Alt’ + its underlined character.
Press the keys combination to enable corresponding control.
For example, in a Customer profile:
'Alt' + 'U' (Customer)
'Alt' + 'I' (Finance info)
'Alt' + 'F' (Features)
'Alt' + 'M' (Main)

Main Shortcuts and Hotkeys

Area Operation Hotkey Comments
Help Main WIKI help page is run F1
General Close Application 'Alt'+'F4'
Close any form 'Esc' Or 'Alt'+'C' when a button with button with corresponding name exists in the form
Save 'Alt'+'S' Can be applied only when a button with corresponding name exists in the form.
Open 'Alt'+'O'
New 'Alt'+'N'
Delete 'Alt'+'D'
Save 'Alt'+'S'
Book 'F9' Relevant for forms: Search Hotel Rates; Search Transfer and Sightseeings (Tours); Rates Segments forms.
Navigate down 'Enter'
Open items from grid 'Alt'+'Enter' For example, remarks.
Navigate through controls in the form 'Tab' 'Shift'+'Tab' to navigate backwards.
To switch between the opened forms 'Ctrl'+'Tab'

Search General Search (Search in opened forms) 'Ctrl'+'Shift'+'F'. Immediately looks for a text displayed in all the opened forms.
Quick Search 'Ctrl'+'F' or use 'Tab' when all the forms are closed Located in the Status bar area of the Main form. To determine search type use prefix in front of the searched item:
$ Invoice by Number
? Customer by Name
% Customer by Name at 'Fees' tab in 'Read Only' mode
+ Customer by Phone
* Hotel by Name
/ Passenger by Last Name
- PNR by number
+71< Invoice by FIK code
Order search can be started without prefix.
Search Hotel Rates 'Ctrl'+'Shift'+'R' A new Order can be started from these forms.
Search Transfer and Sightseeings (Tours) Rates 'Ctrl'+'Shift'+'E'
JRP Rates 'Ctrl'+'Shift'+'J'
Customers 'Ctrl'+'Shift'+'C'
Orders 'Ctrl'+'Shift+'O''
Hotels 'Ctrl'+'Shift'+'H'
Transfers 'Ctrl'+'Shift'+'T'
Sightseeing 'Ctrl'+'Shift'+'S'
Not invoiced PNRs 'Ctrl'+'Shift'+'N'

Order New 'Ctrl'+'O'
Switch between the tabs 'Ctrl'+'Shift'+'Tab' Number 'Ctrl'+'Shift'+'1' for ‘Segments’ tab Ctrl+Shift+2 for ‘Finance’ tab etc.
Add Order in ‘Issue Queue’ 'Ctrl'+'I' Order becomes added in a shared view located in main menu: Reports → Issue Queue ('Ctrl'+'Shift'+'I').
Reload Order 'F5' Same as 'Reload' button.
Reload Library Data 'Ctrl' +' F5'
Attach PNR 'Alt'+'A' New Auto Flight Segment.
Auto Hotel Segment 'Ctrl'+'2' Fare conditions are taken automatically.
Auto Transfer Segment 'Ctrl'+'3'
Auto Sightseeing Segment 'Ctrl'+'4'
Manual Flight Segment 'Alt'+'1' Fare conditions to be inserted manually. Most controls are opened for a manual choice.
Manual Hotel Segment 'Alt'+'2'
Manual Transfer Segment 'Alt'+'3'
Manual Sightseeing Segment 'Alt'+'4'
Manual Misc Segment 'Alt'+'5' Misc segment – miscellaneous service provided by hotel.
Status form 'F3' Use to change the current segment status.
Create/Open Voucher 'Ctrl'+'P' Available in ‘Segments’ and ‘Vouchers’ tabs. *Only vouchers for confirmed segments with ‘OK’ status can be printed or e-mailed.
Edit Voucher 'Ctrl'+'E' Available in ‘Segments’ and ‘Vouchers’ tabs.
Supplier Confirmation 'F11'
Customer Confirmation 'F12'
New Invoice (Offer) 'F10'
New Invoice (Offer) 'Shift'+'F10' Controlled by Company Settings → Settings → Invoicing: CreateOfferOnF10. If it is false, then confirmed, i. e. ‘OK’ segments with documents only are taken by default in a generated Invoice.
Customer Remark 'Ctrl'+'Alt'+'C'
Supplier Remark 'Ctrl'+'Alt'+'S'
Issue Remark 'Ctrl'+'Alt'+'I'
Open Invoice (Offer) 'Enter'
Print/e-mail options for existing Offer, Invoice, Itinerary (Travel Document), E-ticket or XML Invoice 'Alt'+'P' This function is available from’ Invoice’ form also. It is not allowed to issue Invoice from Offer without opening it due to user rights restrictions.
Copy Invoice (Offer) 'F11' F10 shortcut is also available for a new Invoice (Offer) creation.
Copy Invoice (Offer) in a new Order 'Ctrl'+'F11'
Delete/Restore Offer (change status to 'OZ' or other) 'F3'
Create a Credit Note (Inverted Invoice) 'F12'
E-ticket Preview 'Ctrl'+'P'