Quick Search

The function is located in the bottom of the main form, near the status bar, and allows to get the most quick access to main data used in the program.


  • focus gets placed automatically in to the search field when all the forms are closed;
  • 'Ctrl' + 'F' shortcut or 1 left mouse click.

How To Use

  1. Specify the type of search by prefix and search parameter.
  2. Press ‘Enter’ or push a magnifier button.
  3. Get a result: Invoice 130001 becomes opened.
Search Type Prefix Example with search parameter
Order by Number # #1008
Order by Customer Ref & &1083907
Invoice by Number $ $130001
Customer by Name ? ?Tumlare
Customer by Phone + +007
Hotel by Name * *Shangri
Passenger by Last name / /Jensen
PNR by number - -RG4T5A

In case several results match the search parameter, then corresponding search form becomes opened with all results listed.


  1. Insert the search parameter (in a pic. below: hotel name which contains ‘Shangri’):
  2. Get 24 results in a Hotel Search form:
  3. Select hotel:

PNR ‘quick searching’ functionality is wider than just searching
if PNR number:

  • is already connected to any Order, then this order becomes opened;
  • is not connected with any Order, a new order will be created (the same logic like in Order→New→ Attach PNR);
  • does not exist, then message 'Nothing was found' appears.