Invoicing Settings

Navigation in main menu: Tools → Company Settings → Settings → Invoicing

Function Description
AddingProductWithDiffInPackages Checked - in case there is any difference in package (even very small) it will be put to a new line. Unchecked - adding new line with the difference will be disabled and Application will allow to have difference not more than 0.05. Note: In case you are trying to change issued invoice - it will be possible to save invoice even with min (0.05) diff.
AllowedPackageRecalculationDifference The maximum allowed difference between package line and sum of lines in package after recalcualtion.
AutoProductOnlineOfficeID Documents issued with that OfficeID treated as online bookings and Online fees applied.
CreateOfferOnF10 Checked – Offer is created after ‘F10’ shortcut has been pressed. Unchecked – Invoice is created after ‘F10’ shortcut has been pressed.
CreditcardToInvoiceAsCash These credit cards will be trasferred to invoice with a default term of payment. Also number of the credit card won`t be entered on Offer/Invoice form.
DiscountRoundingFormat The number of digits after comma after rounding Discount value on InvoiceLine.
HasDebitNote Checked – DeditNote is available for issuing instead of invoice. It has separate number sequence. Unchecked DebitNote feature is hidden.
InvoiceDocumentsWithDifferentTOP Checked - it is possible to issue invoice for documents with different forms of payment. Unchecked - warning message occurs on attempting to issue invoice for documents with different forms of payment and it is needed to crated separate invoices for each T.o.p.
InvoiceIssuedUserChangable Checked – it’s possible to change the user who issued the invoice. Unchecked – it’s not possible to change user which issued invoice.
InvoiceLineDestinationCodeNotEmpty Checked – All products with checked ‘Enable destination code’ option should have ‘Origin’ and ‘Destination’ fields filled in. Otherwise invoice cannot be saved or issued Unchecked – Invoice can be saved / issued even if some products with checked ‘Enable destination code’ option do not have ‘Origin’ and ‘Destination’.
InvoiceLineDestinationFillAutomatically Checked – ‘Destination’ and ‘Origin’ fields are filled in automatically for all invoice lines, which do not have origin and destination, inherited from the segment and if these products have ‘Enable destination’ option checked. Unchecked - ‘Destination’ and ‘Origin’ fields are not filled in automatically for invoice lines, which do not have origin and destination, inherited from the segment.
VATEnabled Checked – VAT is calculated automatically. Unchecked – VAT is not calculated automatically.
VATIATATaxCode Code for VAT in PNR file.
InvoiceLineFormatCar Template of invoice line for Car product. Data in tags is replaced by corresponding values from the segment.
InvoiceLineFormatHTL Template of invoice line for Hotel product. Data in tags is replaced by corresponding values from the segment.
InvoiceLineFormatIATA Template of invoice line for IATA product. Data in tags is replaced by corresponding values from the segment. The tags are <ProductName>, <RoutingISOCodes>, <RoutingCityNames>, <RoutingCityNamesLocal>, <AirlineCode>, <PNRNo>. Any standard text can be put in betwwen of the tags.
InvoiceLineFormatIATATAX Template of invoice line for IATATAX product. Data in tags is replaced by corresponding values from the segment. The tags are <ProductName>, <RoutingISOCodes>, <RoutingCityNames>, <RoutingCityNamesLocal>, <AirlineCode>, <PNRNo>. Any standard text can be put in betwwen of the tags.
InvoiceLineFormatTRF Template of invoice line for Transfer product. Data in tags is replaced by corresponding values from the segment.
InvoiceLineFormatSS Template of invoice line for Sightseeing product. Data in tags is replaced by corresponding values from the segment.
InvoiceLineFormatMISC Template of invoice line for Misc product. Data in tags is replaced by corresponding values from the segment.
InvoiceLineFormatJRP Template of invoice line for JRP product. Data in tags is replaced by corresponding values from the segment.
InvoiceLineFormatOnlineHTL Template of invoice line for OnlineHotel product. Data in tags is replaced by corresponding values from the segment.
InvoiceLineFormatPNRHTL Template of invoice line for PNR Hotel product. Data in tags is replaced by corresponding values from the segment.
InvoiceLineFormatTRN Template of invoice line for Train product. Data in tags is replaced by corresponding values from the segment.
InvoiceRemarkShowRtf Checked – Invoice External remark edit → it’s possible to change the font style and the font size using context menu. Unchecked – Invoice External remark edit → it’s not possible to change font style and font size using context menu.
InvoiceShowAirlineHideArrivalDate Checked – there is ‘Airline’ field in Invoice form, ‘Arrival date’ is hidden. Unchecked – there is ‘ArrivalDate’ field in Invoice form, ‘Airline’ is hidden.
WarningBeforeIssuingCCInvoice Checked - warning message occurs on attempting to issue invoice with form of payment which requires credit card. Unchecked - no warning occurs.
SellPriceRoundingFormat The number of digits after comma after rounding Sell price value on InvoiceLine.
ValidatePackageOnSaving Checked - it is not allowed to save/issue invoice with package that is not balanced.
TransferToFinanceCentsDelimiter This delimiter is used in currency amounts when Transfer2Finance file is created. In most cases it should be either dot or comma.
InvoiceLineFormatIATAUseLocalAirportCityNames Checked - use translated city names for IATA invoice lines. Unchecked - use default city names for IATA invoice lines.
AddingProductWithDiffInPackages Checked - In case there is any difference in package (even very small) it will be put to a new line. Unchecked - Adding new line with the difference will be disabled and TravelWise will allow to have difference not more than 0.05. NOTE: In case you are trying to change issued invoice - it will be possible to save invoice even with min (0.05) difference.
ProductForPuttingDifferenceInPackage The selected product will be added for putting difference in package after a corresponding warning (If SuppressWarningWhenAddingNewLineForDifferenceInPackage is false). NOTE: It is not possible to select any product if setting 'AddingProductWithDiffInPackages' is OFF.
CreditcardToInvoiceAsCash These credit cards will be trasferred to invoice with a default term of payment. Also number of the credit card won't be entered on Offer/Invoice forms. There is an exception, when Credit Card (CC) should be treated as a cash. It refers only to 'eNett' CC type, which number starts with 553509. If the customer' CC number starts with that one, then term of payment set in invoice is cash and CC number is not inserted.
ResetNonPackageAutopriceLinesInPackage Checked - it resets sell price to be equal to expense for all non-package autoprice lines in package. Unchecked - no changes for non-package autoprice products.
SuppressWarningWhenAddingNewLineForDifferenceInPackage This works only when: AddingProductWithDiffInPackages is TRUE ProductForPuttingDifferenceInPackage has non-locked selected product. Checked - No warning will be shown in case adding new line to balance a package. Unchecked - All warnings will be shown and will prompt user for adding a product in package.