Accounting Remark

Accounting Remark can be created:

  • for any land segment in Order;
  • for land segment with issued voucher in Search → Vouchers.


1. In 'Order':

  1. Select a segment.
  2. Push 'Accounting' button in Remarks groupbox.
  3. Enter a text of a remark.
  4. Push 'OK'.

2. In 'Search Vouchers':

  1. Search for a needed segment.
  2. Push 'Accounting Rmrk.' button (F7).
  3. Enter a remark text.
  4. Push 'OK'.

Use checkbox 'For All Segments' to add a remark for all land segments in current Order at once.

Accounting Remark Identification

After an Accounting Remark has been added to the segment it can be easily identified.


  • There is an 'A' icon for the segment.
  • Button 'Accounting' is highlighted with blue when the focus is placed on a segment.

Search Vouchers:

  • Vouchers with an accounting remark have got a checkmark in the column 'Acc. Remark'.
  • Button 'Accounting Rmrk.' is highlighted with blue when the focus is placed on a voucher.