Cancelled Orders

Navigation: Reports → Booked Segments → Cancelled Orders


To get an overview and quick access to the Orders with land segments, which are currently requested to be cancelled by customers or pending to be cancelled at supplier' end.

Selection Criteria

  • Orders containing any of these land segments: Hotel, Transfer, Sightseeing, Car with the 'cancelled' status: 'RX' or 'RX!'.

Sell rates are based on segments data only.


  • Order number (ascending).

Data Output

  • Order number;
  • Date (arrival date of the cancelled segment );
  • Customer;
  • Supplier;
  • Service name;
  • City;
  • St. changed (cancellation date, when segment status was changed);
  • Changed by;
  • Sell Rate (segment total sell rate).

Default Output is made into grid to open reported Orders with a mouse dbl click or 'Open Order' button ('Alt' + 'O').
Standard manual sorting in grid or columns sequence change are disabled.

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