Customer Turnover (Commission)

Navigation: Reports → Customer Reports → Customer Turnover (Commission)


To get turnover statistics per a customer per a destination (country) with a commission criteria.

Selection Criteria

  • From date, to date (Invoice (Offer) date within the selected period);
  • Customer;
  • Country;
  • Commission min & max;
  • Show Total Expense (if disabled, then Total Exp. is hidden from Grand Totals);
  • Show Grand Total (does not work).


  • By product code.

Data Output

  • Invoice (Offer) from/to date;
  • Min/Max commission;
  • Product Code;
  • Total;
  • Discount;
  • Discount%;
  • Grand Totals.

Total = Units * UnitSellPrice - Discount
Commision = ROUND (UnitSellPrice * Units - UnitSellPrice * Units - Discount)/(UnitSellPrice * Units)*100)
Total Expense = Units * UnitExpPrice

Grand Totals

  • Total Turnover (Sum of Total Sell Prices);
  • Total Coupons (Total Exp Price where product code is 'VK');
  • Coupons in Total (Total Coupons/Total Turnover ) * 100;
  • Total Handling Fee (Total Sell Price where product code is 'HF');
  • Total IATA (Net price, 'IATA' product code);
  • Total IATATAX (Net price, 'IATATAX' product code).

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