Table of Contents


Menu location: Master Entry → New Contract


To create a contract check in advance that all its essential parts are ready:

  1. Supplier with currencies and pensions at its profile;
  2. Service (hotel with enabled room types; transfer; sightseeing);
  3. Exchange Rate from buying to selling currency for the contract period.


  1. Select supplier and its currency.
  2. Type in the title of the contract, by which you can search it afterwards.
  3. Enable the services which are going to be sold in the ranks of the contract.
  4. Insert markup, net and child discounts or leave it empty.
  5. Push the button of the service to include it in the contract and to insert the rates conditions.

  • 'To' date gets autocompleted when insert amount of days.
  • Press 'Ctrl+D' to copy the entire previous rates line without dates.
  • Use keyboard (press from 1 to 7, 8 sets work week: 1-5, 9 sets week-end: 6,7) or double click the control to identify the week days.