WIs Initiated By Users (ver. 15.20)

Release Notes

Travelwise.net WIs initiated by users: 26 among totally reported 72.
User Stories: 13 among 21,
Bugs: 13 among 51.

User Stories

WI Description Requested By
14748make it possible to search by customerRef on Payment formCarsten Lindholm Pedersen - BK CPH
14747make payment notification message brand dependentCarsten Lindholm Pedersen - BK CPH
14752payment notification for booking peopleCarsten Lindholm Pedersen - BK CPH
14737Queue Management: as a user I need checkbox 'Select all'Carsten Lindholm Pedersen - BK CPH
14733Queue Management: as a user I need to have possibility to search by Brand, Queue Name and Type on Advanced Search tabCarsten Lindholm Pedersen - BK CPH
12826Supplier/Customer request remarks: add text formattingCarsten Lindholm Pedersen - BK CPH
14640Transfer Invoices to MS AX v2: export customersDasha Fetisova - Tumlare
14721inhouse new hotel search improvementsLene Guldmann - BK CPH
14804Order: improvements for SegmentHotel2Lene Guldmann - BK CPH
14908SegmentHotel2: improvements for rates showingLene Guldmann - BK CPH
14749Final update names reportPeter Grooss - BK CPH
14722make it possible to set separate body text and email subject for offersPeter Grooss - BK CPH
14729add employee number to diners club exportSascha Brostroem - JTB CPH


WI Description Reported By
14842Eticket: city name is taken from another hostcompanyAsger Jørnow - BK CPH
15063FTP upload: files on orders without Customer ref is stored in folder with customer name on ftp serverAsger Jørnow - BK CPH
14890FTP: no records at Documents tab after sending by ftpAsger Jørnow - BK CPH
15082Offer/Invoice: inccorect Offet/Invoice in case with different types of passengersAsger Jørnow - BK CPH
14993Customer (New): can't be saved in case Customer Type is changed from default oneCarsten Lindholm Pedersen - BK CPH
15038Flight Segment: year is recognized from PNR incorrectly in specific caseCarsten Lindholm Pedersen - BK CPH
14967Not Invoiced PNRs: error 'An error occurred while reading from the store provider's data reader.' on openingCarsten Lindholm Pedersen - BK CPH
14762Report Wizard: crystal report doesn't show month amountsCarsten Lindholm Pedersen - BK CPH
15062Transfer Invoices to MS AX v2: VAT code and office code fixesDasha Fetisova - Tumlare
14963TW.NET disappear from program set on attempt to change program by 'Alt+TAB' order in specific caseJulie Stokholm - BK CPH
14988JRP Online Import: message 'Cannot connect to the server' on openingOther
15055Offer/Invoice: 'Index and length must refer to a location within the string' on attempt to make preview of invoice in specific casePeter Grooss - BK CPH
15246Customer: customer types can't be savedSanne Liv Vemmelund - JTB CPH