Ver. 15.20

See WIs initiated by users delivered in the current version. Release Notes

What's New

Feature Description Target Consumer Related Wiki Topic
Customer'Final Update Names' field appeared in the list of e-mails. It is taken for a new report entitled the same.Billetkontoret A/S
Customer Payment (Searching)Added 'Customer Ref' as a search criteria. Any Offer/booking number from external systems can be completed in this field in Order and get searched afterwards using 'Customer Payment'. The Order number and related payment lines are going to be found according to its'Customer Ref'.Agents
Customer Payment (Payment Remark)After making a payment a remark stating about that fact is created automatically for an Order. It is regulated in Company Settings → Settings → Finance) with 3 options (PaymentInternalRemarkQueue, Type, Text), when they are set, Order internal remark is created on each new payment. Remark is made for the Queue selected. It is editable by a dropdown for all queues. Remark is made of the type selected. 'PaymentInternalRemarkText' setting supports tags: <Amount>, <Currency> and free text. Default remark can consist of <Amount><CurrrencyCode>. The option get enabled by completing any from the 3 listed settings, but with a validation for the rest ones. So all 3 must be completed to get the feature working. Controls: 'CustomerPaymentNotificationText, CustomerPaymentNotifyCustomer' are moved from a company to a brand level to customize the language text of the remarks.All
Customer & Supplier Requests ('F11, F12 Reports')Rich text formatting is available and is recognized thanks to html tags. Blocked 'Remarks from Customer' section for F12 Report, from now it can be updated from only.Billetkontoret A/S, All
'Final Update Names' ReportReport appears when customer has an e-mail for this report in profile settings and if offer has relations to a PNR. Pax count on each PNR is taken (minus GRP pax). The number of paxes is calculated as GRP pax count minus real pax count. In Company Settings in Brands the text for 'FinalNameReportingDateText' can be edited (Venligst tjek at navnene er korrekt indsat. Evt. rettelser skal være os i hænde senest den <Date>), the <date> tag is also supported. The queue can be assigned in Company Settings → Reporting → FinalUpdateNamesQueue. Report is launched from 'Print/E-mail Options' of Invoice and is generated in html format (body text). Sent report get saved in Order (Documents) commonly with the rest documents.Billetkontoret A/SRead more...
OfferSeparate body text and email subject for Offers can be configured. Inherited settings 'EmailingMailInvoiceBodyText, InvoiceEmailSubjectTemplate' to new 'EmailingMailOfferBodyText' and 'OfferEmailSubjectTemplate'. The proper settings are taken depending on the document type to be sent. All
Order (Tickets)'EMD' read-only column is added to identify these ticket types. All
Queue ManagementIncluded 'Select all' option. Advanced search can be run also by Brand, Queue Name and Type.AllRead more...
Transfer Invoices ('Microsoft AX' format)There is a need to export customers (and suppliers) at the same time when main AX-files are created. Exported customers are marked in a database (CustomerAXExport) and are not taken again. If no customers are found, the export xlsx file is not created.AllRead more...
Transfer Invoices ('Diners Club')Placed employee number in the export file (DCEN from PnrRemark). TAIR-Reader recognizes the number from the PNR remark text like: 'RM DCEN 90210'. Also hardcoded office prefixes in front of VAT ('DK' for JTB CPH office, 'NO' for JTB OSL office, 'FI' for JTB HEL office and an office code at the beginning of each line: 'JFI' for JTB HEL office, 'TDK' for JTB CPH office, 'TNO' for JTB OSL office, 'JFI' for JTB HEL office.JTB

Improvements & Bug Fixes

Feature Description Target Consumer
FTP UploadingA set of fixes including location (files from Orders without Customer ref to be placed in a root folder) and documents saving while autoinvoicing. All
InvoiceCorrected passenger types for cases with packages. All
Report WizardMonth amounts are returned as expected in the annual report. All
MiscellaneousChanged date recognition by TAIR-Reader for specific conditions. Multiple bug fixes and enhancements. Request the full list of released items at your local IT manager. All