Invoices Ready To Be Transferred

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To control invoices, which are not transferred to finance, i. e. not prepared to be linked with a payment in a Travelwise Application or not ready to be transferred to external finance system like Axapta or Concorde. Unlike 'Transfer Invoices' form, this report gives additional information on the customer name, total exp. and profit.

Selection Criteria

  • Invoices which are not transferred to finance.


  • By invoice numbers.

Data Output

  • Invoice (sorted by number);
  • Order;
  • InvoiceDate (invoice issue date);
  • User (Issued user);
  • Customer;
  • Total (Total Sales);
  • TotalExp (Total Expenses);
  • Profit DB (Total Profit);
  • % (Total Profit, %).
  • Grand totals for Total Sales, Total Expenses, Total Profit and Total Profit% .

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