Ver. 15.10 Release Notes
What's New
Feature | Description | Target Consumer | Related Wiki Topic |
General | Microsoft stopped supporting their good old Win XP in April, 2014. Now it's our turn to say goodbye: is not compatible with that OS from now. Please contact system administrator in case of troubles because of that. | All | Read more... |
Products (Autoproduct Conditions) & Invoice | Removed 'Once per Order' conditions, Order conditions are renamed. Whenever new Invoice is generated the system checks conditions within all issued Invoices in the Order and lines on the current Offer. And based on that selection the rules are applied for flight only, ground arrangements or generic package. Each product is added only once per Order. For example, in flight-only Orders for Offers without IATA lines (and no ground arrangements) without already added SI product, this product gets included in Invoice. | Billetkontoret A/S | Read more... |
Collective Invoices (New) | Added column with 'VAT %'. | JTB | Read more... |
Invoice Flight Remarks ('BkCph' & 'InvoiceWithDeposits' Templates) | Remark 'Billetkontoret optræder som agent for de i transporten deltagende luftfartsselskaber, og det er alene disse, der har ansvaret for transportens korrekte gennemførelse.', which is triggered when there are ONLY flight segments in the Order, for the brands 'Billetkontoret A/S' and 'Billetkontoret - Groups' is displayed in Offer now. Before it existed only for Invoice and was controlled in Company Settings → Report Labels → Invoice: DetailsDefaultRemarkText. Now the label is renamed to 'DetailsFlightOnlyRemarkTextOnInvoices' and a new one 'DetailsFlightOnlyRemarkTextOnOffers' is created. By default this label has got the same remark text for Offer and Invoice for the named brands (and not for 'Billetkontoret MICE' brand). If the labels are empty, nothing is shown in Invoice. | Billetkontoret A/S | Read more... |
Itinerary ('Agent Itinerary New' Template) | Removed hotel description and images (tour description is still there), added map with QR code like on voucher. | Billetkontoret A/S | Read more... |
Queue Management | Editing remarks is closer than ever: do not need to open the Order, use 'Open Remark' button (Ctrl+R) instead. Commonly with 'Created by' in 'Assigned to' field the user name is displayed and not the full 'display name'. | All | Read more... |
Improvements & Bug Fixes
Feature | Description | Target Consumer |
Autoinvoice | Solved problem when invoiced documents were not mailed to the customer due to timeout error on attempt to load documents from database. | Billetkontoret A/S |
Products | Meet the friendly form with filters on all the tabs. Supplier code is shown for products together with supplier name. | All |
Report Wizard | Removed time from invoice date. | All |
Miscellaneous | Multiple bug fixes and enhancements. Request the full list of released items at your local IT manager. | All |