Ver. 15.16 Release Notes
What's New
Feature | Description | Target Consumer | Related Wiki Topic |
Insurance Region | 'Insurance region' instance is needed for B2B statistics. New control is going to be accompanied to existing 'Fee Region'. So, that the same form could be used according to the selected mode: 'Fee Regions' or 'Insurance Regions'. | All | Read more... |
Invoice ('NtsCphVat' Template) | Corporate department requested automatic text for flight-only Orders. The labels for that purpose have been already used by Billetkontoret depending on a report template, its translation and Brand, now JTB joins. The text is 'JTB DENMARK optræder som agent for luftfartsselskabet og er derfor alene formidler af flybilletten til kunden. JTB DENMARK sælger ikke flybilletter i eget navn og modtager således alene kundens betaling for de købte flybilletter på vegne af luftfartselskabet. Luftfartsselskabet er kundens aftalepart, og det er derfor luftfartsselskabet, som er ansvarlig for transportaftalens korrekte gennemførelse. JTB DENMARK er alene formidler af transportydelsen, og JTB DENMARK er som følge heraf ikke ansvarlig for forsinkelser, aflysninger, luftfartsselskabets konkurs, anden misligholdelse eller manglende opfyldelse af transportaftalen indgået mellem kunden og luftfartsselskabet.'. Please remember to load the above text in Company Settings as a separate translation for corporate clients (labels DetailsFlightOnlyRemarkTextOnInvoices; DetailsFlightOnlyRemarkTextOnOffers). | JTB Copenhagen | Read more... |
Hotel Beds | Continued development, the service is to be tested externally. | Billetkontoret A/S | |
Order (Invoice Remark) | Additional option appeared on 'Internal Remarks' tab: push 'New Invoice Remark' button to select for which Invoice/Offer the remark is going to be created. | Agents (Afrika Safari) | Read more... |
Transfer Invoices | JTB is planning to switch to a new accounting system soon, for that purpose the files from must be exported in 'Microsoft AX' format. Select it in Finance → Transfer Invoices… → Transfer Types. After the export 3 files are going to be created according to requested specification. | JTB | Read more... |
Improvements & Bug Fixes
Feature | Description | Target Consumer |
Hotel Bookings | In cancellation conditions text the word 'hotel' is replaced with 'room'. | All |
Itinerary (OnlineHTL segment) | A set of fixes, including font-size, excluding time from date, fixing supplier ref. and displaying of the 'web' label, when corresponding info is missing. | Billetkontoret A/S |
Itinerary (Agents New) | Corrected meal info and dates displaying for specific cases. | Billetkontoret A/S |
Misc Segment | The net price is not rounded inside the segment anymore. | All |
Miscellaneous | Multiple bug fixes and enhancements. Request the full list of released items at your local IT manager. | All |