WIs Initiated By Users (ver. 15.16)

Release Notes

Travelwise.net WIs initiated by users: 13 among totally reported 64.
User Stories: 5 among 20,
Bugs: 8 among 44.

User Stories

WI Description Requested By Related Wiki Topic
13713Afrika Safari needs airline and destination on remarkCarsten Lindholm Pedersen - BK CPHRead more...
13614Hotelbeds: finalization of developmentLene Guldmann - BK CPH
13764TW (online booking): as a user I'd like to see correct description in cancellation notesMajbrit Hansen - BK CPHRead more...
13902Transfer invoices to MS AX v2Dasha Fetisova - Tumlare
13734Invoice (NtsCphVat): as a user I need to have flight only remarkKaj Jensen - JTB CPHRead more...


WI Description Reported By
13418Itinerary: some fixes for OnlineHTL segment on BkCph templateAsger Jørnow - BK CPH
14103Travelwise: User management - impossibe to create new TA userAsger Jørnow - BK CPH
14101Customer Payment: impossible to select needed line by first click in specific caseCarsten Lindholm Pedersen - BK CPH
14211BSP: some tickets are missedCarsten Lindholm Pedersen - BK CPH
14093Itinerary (Agent Itinerary New): meal info is not shown in specific caseMajbrit Hansen - BK CPH
13720Order: net price for MISC segments is roundedMajbrit Hansen - BK CPH
13729Agent Itinerary (new): From/To cities are not visible in specific caseMajbrit Hansen - BK CPH
14073Offer/Invoice: multiple selection of invoice line is brokenOther