Ver. 16.01

See WIs initiated by users delivered in the current version. Release Notes

What's New

Feature Description Target Consumer Related Wiki Topic
Internal RemarksTo ease operating with internal remarks, its window is rearranged to MDI, i. e. not modal. That made it possible to work with other forms when remark form is opened. The changes affected Order, Invoice, Customer, Queue Management. The form caption is renamed to Internal Remark (Order #) (Customer #name). The form is resizable now and its settings are saved.All
InvoiceFor InvoicewithDeposits template and html version in a PNR section added horizontal line to split segments in several sections grouped by PNR.All
Invoice DetailsAll invoices and credit notes which include selected voucher are displayed.Billetkontoret A/SRead more...
Order, InvoiceAdded option to select/deselect all items on a 'Passengers' tab.All
Report WizardIn 'Land Arrangements' mode the default segment arrival date period in Step 3 is 1 year. All Read more...
Transfer InvoicesChanged margin VAT handling in MS AX format for JTB. All Read more...

Improvements & Bug Fixes

Feature Description Target Consumer
Supplier Request, Customer ConfirmationIn F11, F12 reports the text format and colours are the same like in editor. All
H2H (Hotelbeds)Reference number is xxx-yyyy instead of yyyy. The price is revalidated on a booking so that it is not higher than on a search. If it is higher, the booking is cancelled automatically. VAT number and supplier name fields are obtained from book response and are shown on a voucher.All
OfferSeats count on pnr section for Offer (Invoice), html body is always equal to number in group name, like for example in a I-GRPXXZZ, XX = amount of passengers and ZZ = group name. If there is no group name (I-GRP) then number is equal to number on a segment. All
Offer ConfirmationOn mailing it takes body from Tools → Company Settings → Brands → EmailingMailOfferBodyText.All
MiscellaneousFixed images for Gulliver for a new search prototype (if no images can be loaded from GTA, db, then there are no empty containers). Multiple bug fixes and enhancements. Request the full list of released items at your local IT manager. All