Mailing Settings
Navigation in main menu: Tools → Company Settings → Settings → Mailing
Function | Description |
DepositLiabilityReportMailFrom | Default e-mail address for deposits and liability. |
EmailingDepositLiabilityReportBodyText | Template of the body for 'Deposits & Liability' report mailing. Read more... |
EmailServerPassword | Password for the mail server which is used for sending e-mails from Travelwise. |
EmailServerPort | Port for the mail server which is used for sending e-mails from Travelwise. |
EmailServerUsername | User name for the mail server which is used for sending e-mails from Travelwise. |
InvoiceShowMailForm | Checked – ‘Send Email’ form is opened before invoice e-mail has been sent. It is possible to change ‘To’ and ‘From’ e-mail addresses and text of e-mail. Unchecked – ‘Send Email’ form is not opened. Invoice e-mail is sent immediately after ‘Proceed’ button has been pressed. It is not possible to change e-mail addresses or text. The same is relevant for Outstanding Inovices form. From ver. 15.11 enriched mailing opportunities by options always presented in user interface: to preview and edit or to mail directly without opening. Depending on Company Settings → Settings → Mailing → InvoiceShowMailForm, the new button is called 'Proceed with Preview' (InvoiceShowMailForm is off, like in BK) or 'Proceed without Preview' (InvoiceShowMailForm is on, like in JTB). The new button is secondary, 'Proceed' button stayed the same. |
MailAccountsCopy | E-mail address which is inserted into ‘BCC’ field when e-mail is sent from Customer Accounts or Customer Payment forms. |
MailAccountsFrom | Default addresser e-mail address for Customer Accounts report and Customer payment notification. |
MailBSP | This field is used to specify email address, BSP report will always be send to. |
MailConfirmationSendFromUsersEmail | Checked – user’s e-mail address is inserted into ‘From’ field instead of default address for Customer Confirmation report. Unchecked - Default e-mail address is inserted into ‘From’ field for Customer Confirmation report. |
MailCustomerCopy | E-mail address which is inserted into ‘BCC’ field when e-mail for the customer is sent. |
MailDefaultFrom | Default addresser e-mail address. |
MailInvoiceBCCforAutoinvoice | E-mail address which is inserted into ‘BCC’ field when autoinvoice e-mail is sent. Whenever autoinvoice methods email documents, bcc to the addresses is made (separators to be used , or ;). |
MailInvoiceBody | Text of invoice e-mail. This text may be overridden by 'MailInvoiceBodyText' label of Emailing report template (see 'Report Labels' tab). |
MailInvoiceFrom | Default addresser e-mail address for invoices. |
MailInvoiceSendFromUsersEmail | Checked – user’s e-mail address is inserted into ‘From’ field instead of default address for invoice. Unchecked - default e-mail address is inserted into ‘From’ field for invoice. |
MailServerAddress | Address of the mail server which is used for sending e-mails from Travelwise. |
MailServerEnableSSL | Enabled SSL for smtp server. |
MailShowCompanyNameAndUserNameInFrom | Checked – addresser is displayed as ‘Company name – User name, e-mail address’. Unchecked - addresser is displayed as ‘User name, e-mail address’. |
MailSupplierCopy | E-mail address which is inserted into ‘BCC’ field when e-mail for the supplier is sent. |
MailSupportTeam | E-mail address of TravelWise support team. |
MailVoucherCopy | E-mail address which is inserted into ‘BCC’ field when voucher e-mail is sent. |
MailVoucherFrom | Default addresser e-mail address for vouchers. |
OrderAttachDocumentToInvoice | Checked - Document which was added manually to Order is automatically attached to Invoice. Unchecked - Document which was added manually to Order is not attached to Invoice automatically. Read more... |
SendReportsCopyToEmailInvoiceFrom | Checked – MailInvoiceFrom e-mail is inserted in ‘BCC’ field by default. Unchecked - MailInvoiceFrom e-mail is not inserted in ‘BCC’ field by default. |
SendReportsCopyToTheUser | Checked – user e-mail is inserted in ‘BCC’ field by default. Unchecked - user e-mail is not inserted in ‘BCC’ field by default. |
VoucherEmailSubjectTemplate | Template of voucher e-mail subject. Data in tags is replaced by corresponding values from voucher. |