Customer Accounting

Brief overview of the finance and accounting features, which relate the the customer.

Customer Accounts

Navigation: Finance → Customer Accounts…

Full finance statistics on accounts for a certain customer. Read more...

Multiple Customer Accounts

Navigation: Finance → Multiple Customer Accounts…

Finance statistics on all customers accounts for a certain customer. There is an option to mail and print reports directly from this form according to settings from a customer profile.

Customer Payment

Navigation: Finance → Customer Payment…

Returns the list of invoices transferred to finance, but not paid.
There is an instrument to make balancing of the paid invoices directly in Travelwise and transfer that information through the 'Payment Draft' ('Show Draft' button). Read more....

Customer Outstanding

Navigation: Finance → Customer Outstanding…
Information on outstanding invoices, pointing how much the customer owns to the travel company.

Collective Invoice

Navigation: Finance → Collective Invoice…

Invoice View

Navigation: Finance → Invoice View…

Gives quick access to invoices issued within a certain period.

Outstanding Invoices

Navigation: Finance → Outstanding Invoices…

Instrument to control that customers pay in time, there is an option to send 3 versions of reminders to the customer (from relatively gentle, starting with the first reminder, to relatively strict in the last one).
Supports 'Customer Remarks' feature, so that the person who controls the list can notify the others about current state regarding the certain customer. Read More...

Total Customer Saldo

Navigation: Finance → Total Customer Saldo…

Returns the total saldo on all the customers for the whole period. Read more...

MIS Remarks

Navigation1: Finance → New Mis…
Navigation2: Order → Finance → push 'New MIS' button